aiCV Logo

Your CV. Automated. With AI.

We are currently building a prototype to leverage machine learning to help highlight similarities and differences between your CV and a role description.

Our long term aim is to give you the tools to take complete ownership of your career and help you to identify new opportunities to achieve your economic and self-realisation potential.

In the meantime, please help us to focus on the right pain points by filling out our survey. It won't take more than 5 minutes - promised!

I hate Mondays

Frustrated much?

We all have plenty of frustrating experiences at work: Are you stuck in roles with bad managers, toxic colleagues and a bleak career outlook?

Wanting to get out, but the job application process seems too daunting, too uncertain?

Don't have enough breathing space to focus on the job search while working a full-time job?


We can do better!

We will provide a smooth end-to-end experience for the job application process and eventually a platform to continuously manage your career, independent from your current employer!

We will take the frustration out of the job application process, leading to a better experience and lowering the barriers to look for a new job - leading to a happier, more fulfilled career.


Have you been frustrated applying to jobs and the tedious process of keeping our CV up to date? Are you tailoring your CV to role descriptions and keeping track of all the interactions with head hunters and recruiters? Do you have countless versions of your CV, spreadsheets and emails to keep track off?

We thought, most of these activities could be automated and done a lot better by a computer with your time spend on where it matters - talking to other people.

Notebook with pen

Brought to you from

London, UK

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